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Aviva plc commits a further £150 million to Aviva Ventures

top investments
April 17, 2023

Aviva plc commits a further £150 million to Aviva Ventures

Aviva today announces the commitment of a further £150m to its corporate venture capital fund, Aviva Ventures. The fund will focus on delivering returns through investments into early-stage businesses that bring Aviva new opportunities and insights into emerging technology and customer trends.

Aviva is also announcing the new fund's first investment, an investment in Scan.com, a business helping individuals and organisations book diagnostics scans such as MRIs, ultrasounds and X-rays. 

Scan.com launched in 2017 and has a network of 150scanning centres across the UK.Scan.com has helped over 1,000 patients and is now the UK market leader in medical imaging services.

Ben Luckett, Chief Innovation Officer at Aviva, said:

"Innovation is central to Aviva's strategy and our ambition to deliver great customer outcomes. The £150m commitment to Aviva Ventures will be used to make early-stage investments in promising young digital and tech firms that also provide us with insight on emerging technology and consumer trends.

"Our investment in Scan.com is a statement of our intent - they are growing rapidly, have a unique customer proposition and are already leading the way on medical imaging services in the UK. We are really excited to support Scan.corn's developmentand growth."

Charlie Bullock, co-founder and CEO of Scan.com,said:

"We are thrilled to have such strong support from Aviva as we continue to build Scan.com across the UK. The capital will be used to continue to improve access to diagnostic imaging and medical screening exams, through our consumer-facing marketplace and application programming interfaces (API). This round would not have been possible without the incredible effort and tenacity shown by our entire team, who have built Sean.com at such a fast pace in what is traditionally a very slow-moving industry."


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